Montag, 19. März 2012

The importance of a helmet

Hey folks, make sure you are always wearing the right helmet. I have a concussion right now due to a wrong helmet. as my helmet got screwed when a big branch was falling on my head coz i was adheared on a tree while riding powder in a wood. I was good afterwards, but my helmet had obvious damage. I decided not to change it as i haven´t been falling on my head for 3 years now. wrong decision. Went snowboarding to Semmering 10 days ago. It was like the worst snow ever, but super warm. THe snow was ALL artificial with loads of ice underneat. Was super stoked of the snowpark as i could hit the rails and some jumps. But then I got wrong onto a rail and fell off right onto my back and head. But as stupid as I am, didn´t stopped boarding and still hit some jumps and drank Alcohol at the Apres Ski what made it even worse. I am still lying down not allowed to: study, do sport, watch TV, shouldn´t even be on the Computer. So pplz, make sure your helmet is ok! A concussion is not funny. :-(

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